Chivas XV Pop Up Store
Instagram: #chivascremeriedeparis
Phone Book of the World
A Pop Up
part of a long long Food Story
Chivas XV Pop Up Store with Dolly Cohen at Cremerie de Paris N°1
opening night Wednesday 2023 December 6
Pop Up
Store open to the public
Friday 8, Saturday 9, Sunday 10 dec
Friday 15, Saturday 16, Sunday 17 dec
from 12 pm (noon) to 7pm
Pop Up Store
The Chivas XV Pop Up Store
was organised at the occasion
of the launch of Chivas XV
special edition with Dolly Cohen.
3D visit
3D Visit of Cremerie de Paris decorated by Chivas
- click on the image to enter the Chivas Pop Up Store
- click right to enter the subway startion Chatelet les Halles via
sortie 1 Marguerite de Navarre
- click right to see the VB courtyard (Villeroy Bourbon)
Cremerie de Paris decorated for Chivas
code to integrate the 3D visit into a website:
<iframe src=''
height='315' width='560' allowfullscreen></iframe>
Cremerie de Paris N°1 empty decorated as a Pop Up Store Museum
Chivas adds a touch of Glamour
Creative people behind
the Chivas XV Pop Up Store:
The Pop Up Store
was imagined
by Chloe Escaffre (Chivas)
Victoire Guillaumet, Victor Daussy, Lucille Pateau
from the adgency Mnstr
Loic Radafy (exhibition manager), Juliette Watkin (sales)
Laurent Grange, Olivier Scotto, Steve Sabbe (decorators)
Vincent Remond, Jonas Babin (Baraka)
Arnaud Petit, Rafael Lira, Jerome Menuez, Cedric Loire, Quentin Calendini
(sound and lighting by Arthi)
Basile Breard and Fanny Faure (brand experience Chivas)
Videos made at Cremerie de Paris
1:00 min Chivas XV Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris (2023)
Videos around Chivas XV
1:58 min Chivas Regal The Icon - The Making of the Icon
4:31 min CDG Airport to Paris Center featuring Chivas Pop Up Store (2023)
Chivas XV by Dolly Cohen
a new artistic masterpiece
enters the long history
of Cremerie de Paris,
since 1129
a Meeting Place
of creative people
Some artwork and designs
linked to the history of Cremerie de Paris / VB
Chivas XV by Dolly Cohen
2024 December 6 the bottle Chivas XV
decorated by the artist Dolly Cohen
is released at Cremerie de Paris
The Chivas Regal XV bottle
is adding to a long list of iconinc designs
linked to Cremerie de Paris
/ VB.
Coca Cola x Rosalia
2024 February 10 Coca Cola comes all the way from Atlanta
to present at Cremerie de Paris
it first limited edition Coca Cola drink
The first limted edition Coca Cola is created in collaboration
with the Spanish singer
more on the links between Coca Cola and Cremerie de Paris
Starbucks Chilled Coffee
2016 May 27 Starbucks comes from Seattle
to present
Starbucks Chilled Classic at Cremerie de Paris
Starbucks Chilled Coffees can be bought
outside Starbuck stores
in supermarkets of gas stations.
more on the Starbucks Pop Up Cafe at Cremerie de Paris
A little jewel from Coco Chanel
1993 July 15 date aqusition date of Cremerie de Paris
Getting a real estate loan in France
is very difficult if you are still very young.
A miracle happened to us ...
A few weeks before leaving this world in 1971
Coco Chanel left a little jewel
to her magical friend Aimee de Heeren.
Aimée, once a WW2 secret service agent
and the girlfriend of Joe Kennedy Jr
decided to seperated from the beloved jewel
to help increase a real estate loan deposit
as if Coco Chanel
had told her to continue the Cremerie de Paris story.
Without the little jewel from Chanel
is would not have been possible
to host the Chivas XV Pop Up Store.
more on the links between Coco Chanel and Cremerie de Paris
Nike Barber Shop
1971 Philip Knight runs into Carolyn Davidson
a young art student. She designs the Swoosh Logo.
1980 Nike sheares were introduced to NYSE.
2012 Nike selects Cremerie de Paris
for an iconic Nike Barbeshop project.
A man that was on the Apollo 11, first flight to the moon
helped the still unknown Pop Up Store Location to be selected.
It is the very first Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris
directed by
Victoire Guillaumet,
the same Lady directed the Chivas Pop Up Store team.
more on the Nike Barbershop Pop Up Cafe at Cremerie de Paris
Chanel No5
1921 January 22 Coco Chanel falls in Love
with a young Russian.
Dmitri Romanov had escaped from the Russia Revolution
and showed Cremerie de Paris and it's magical courtyard to Chanel.
A staircase with a mystirious, centuries old N°5 logo fastinated the designer.
This is the moment N°5 was born
soon turning into the World's most famous perfume.
more on No5 and Cremerie de Paris
The Red Vineyard by Vincent van Gogh
1888 October 29 Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890)
created The Red Vineyard painting in Arles.
1890 January Anna Boch aquired the painting
during the salon des XX expo in Brussels.
Anna's brother Eugène was a friend of the artist.
The only painting van Gogh sold during his lifetime
is linked to the history of Cremerie de Paris / Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
Anna Bochis a niece of Octavie Villeroy (1823 - 1899),
grand-daughter of the entrepreneur Nicolas Villeroy (1759 - 1843)
Even though the Villeroys had left Cremerie de Paris / VB
two centuries earlier back in 1671
the aura of the manison continued to be around.
It is even possible that Vincent van Gogh,
attrated by the stories of the old Villeroys
had come by in person to visit the mansion,
Chivas Whiskies already existed at that time..
more on the links between Vincent van Gogh and Cremerie de Paris
Diadème by Alexandre Gabriel Lemonnier
1853 January 29 marriage between Napoléon III (1808 - 1873)
and Eugénie de Montijo (1826 - 1920).
Alexandre Gabriel Lemonnier (1808 - 1884), a jewler like Dolly Cohen
was asked to design a tiara
using historic perls from the French Crown Jewels,
Eugénie, who is the creative mind
behind the renovation of the Les Halles food market by Victor Baltard,
is fasinated by all the history behind Cremerie de Paris.
After the fall of the Second Empire the tiara was sold
and arrived in the Thurn & Taxis Postal family.
Just like the Chivas XV bottle
the tiara is one of the many jewels in the history of Cremerie de Paris
more on Eugénie de Montijo, the tiara and Cremerie de Paris
more on the links between the Thurn & Taxis and Cremerie de Paris
Le Diadème by
Pièce Ecu child Louis XIV by Jean Varin
Jean Varin (1607 - 1672) was a sculptor
and medalist who created the coins
under the reign of Louis XIII (1601 - 1643) and Louis XIV (1638 - 1715)
1649 Varin created a Ecu
coin bearking the image of Louis XIV.
At that time Cremerie de Paris / VB
was the school bulding of the young king.
VB has the home of this tutor
Nicolas V de Villeroy.
Villeroy and Bourbon are today the initials
of the Two Letter Domain
What do you think ?
Would the young Sunking
have liked the design of the Chivas XV bottle created by Dolly Cohen ?
please leave you comment on Instagram
more of the links between Louis XIV and Cremerie de Paris
David by Michelangelo
1502 August 12 Michelangelo (1475 - 1564)
received an order for a second David statue,
Not in marble like the one you can still see in Florence
but in bronze and a little smaller.
1604 Nicolas IV de Villeroy (1542 - 1617)
buys the statue that will decorated
the courtyard of Cremerie de Paris / Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
for a long time.
After the sale of the house 1671 January 21
the statue leaves for the Château de Villeroy in Mennecy
before dissapearing during the French Revolution.
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
1479 June 15 Lisa Gherardini is born in Florence.
She gets married 1495 March 5
to be called Lisa del Giocondo
(1479 - 1542).
1503 Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
receives an order to paint her portrait.
The Giocondo family never takes posession of the painting
now called Mona Lisa (La Josonde).
1516 Leonardo da Vinci starts to work
for King François 1st (1494 - 1547)
One of the Kings advisors is Nicolas II de Villeroy (14xx - 1553).
His house, the Hotel de Villeroy,
later Hôtel de Villeroy Bourbon VB
is an iconic place in the Kingdom of France.
As by today we still don't know
if Leonardo da Vinci has ever been to Cremerie de Paris / VB
but it is almost certain
he knew about the house
François 1st and his sister Marguerite de Navarre used to go to.
Preparing the Chivas expo
Cremerie de Paris discovered it has some historic links
Leonardo da Vinci.
While every day,
hundreds of Mona Lisa visitors
walk by the Cremerie windows on their way to the Louvre
nobody realised the place already had a link with artist.
What do you think ?
Would Leonardo da Vinci
have liked the look of the Chivas XV bottle created by Dolly Cohen ?
please leave a comment on Instagram
Chivas Pop Up on Instagram
Post on @cremeriedeparisofficial
Post on @chivasfrance
Post on @chivasbrothersscotch
The Chivas brand:
coming soon

The Chivas History & timeline is on
Today Cremerie de Paris (
is one of the very few companies
and the one and only
Pop Up Location / Museum
in the World
to have one of the
676 Two Letter Domain.
VB is the acronym for "Villeroy Bourbon or Very Beautiful)

1878 the QWERTY keybord was invented by
by Christopher Latham Sholes (1819 - 1890).
Maybe Christopher also wanted to contribute
to the glamour
of Cremerie de Paris
placing the letter "V" right next to "B"
Have a look at your keybord
you can instantly read the VB web adress
Via the Chivas Pop Up is right there ...
is opening a new chapter
in the long long
history of VB & Cremerie de Paris
contributing to make
the mysterious milk store
turn into a
Meeting Place
of the World's
most famous Brands
Chivas XV ads all over Paris

Chivas XV billboards all over Paris
to accompagny the Pop Up Store
Press Articles:

The Chivas Pop Up Store
on the French White Pages, White
pendant la durée du Pop Up
Chivas sur la homepage du Phone Book of the World /
pendant la durée du Pop Up
Chivas sur la homepage du Phone Book of the World /
Chivas et l 'artiste Dolly Cohen devoilent une bouteille de whisky by
Chivas XV et Pop Up Store by
Chivas Regal Design by Journal du Luxe
Whisky Chivas Dolly Cohen by The Good Life
La Star des Grillz Dolly Cohen collabore avec Chivas by
L artiste Joailliere Dolly Cohen reinterprete Chivas XV by
Selection de Whisky pour les fetes by Paris Match
Acces to the Chivas Pop Up

En Metro / RER

use the new exit / sortie N°1 Porte Marguerite de Navarre
of the subway
Getting out of the metro you will see the
Coca Cola Pop Up Store
located at Cremerie de Paris N°1
Cremerie de Paris N°1 empty
walk up the "Marguerite de Navarre" staircase
turn right
walk into Cremerie de Paris No1
- RER B direct connection
with Roissy CDG (30 min - only take a much faster non stop direct train)
Orly (30 min RER B + Orlyval) and Gare du Nord (4 min).
- Metro 4 direct connection
with Gare de l'Est (15 min) and Gare Montparnasse (19 min)
- Metro 14 direct connection
with Gare de Lyon (8 min) and Gare Saint Lazare (9 min).
- Metro 1 direct connection
with Champs Elysées (15 min)
Sortie N°1 Chatelet les Halles N°1 faces our different Cremeries de Paris,
N°1, N°2, N°6, N°9, N°18, N°19 Pop Up Stores
and N°3, N°4, N°7, N°8, N°10 Pop Up Cafes.
Chivas is on the right side of the exit Marguerite de Navarre
at Cremerie de Paris N°1.
Marguerite has already come by,
as she was a friend of the Villeroy family
first Cremerie de Paris,
but this was a long long time ago...
Marguerite is considered to be the grandmother of the Bourbons,
the letter "B" of
By Bus (11,24,67,69,72,74,76,81,86) arrèt rue de Rivoli / Pont Neuf
By Voiture, parking Pont Neuf face à la Samaritaine
By Scooter
avoid parking in a zone for bikes !
Global Post Expo Impact:
2023 ...
The presence of Chivas
at Cremerie de Paris was for a very short time only
But besides the many influencer posts
and press articles
Chivas Pop Up Store
becomes part of a history
Cremerie de Paris is
a historic location
with a very long history.
Over 650 year
connected to many
Kings of France
inventors, tech pioneers, designers and products.
The event
iwill remain in the
Phone Book of the World
The Chivas Pop Up is
on the homepage of
Phone Book of the UK