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Nestle Froneri Extreme Pop Up Store
Opening night

Ice Cream Pop Up Store

Froneri Nestle Extrême Ice Cream at Cremerie de Paris No9

Opening night 2024 March Wednesday 20
Pop Up 2024 March Thursday 21 au Saturday 23

Opening party with people from Nestle Froneri=
and Influencers

discovery and tasting of 2024 innovations
from the famous ice cream cone brand.
It’s in the heart of a laundromat
what is hidden in a speakeasy
ultra-pop and lively that will surprise its visitors.

Creative people behind the Nestle Froneri
Pop Up Store:

The Pop Up Store was imagined by
Laura Fantoni (Extrême)
Isabelle Gadonna, Marine Dubreuil,
Laurent Estrany, Thomas Roenelle,
Loic Wissler et Simon Vuillermoz
de l'agence l Uzyne
Florian Couminal
Aurélien Guilbert
Luc Laumond, Directeur Utopik Design

Pop Up Store Manager Sam Key

On the construction of the Nestle Froneri Pop Up worked
Gerald Manetti, Vasile Drumea,
Nichita Vasile-Ioan, Cedric Delplanque
Aurélien Guilbert. Axel Nodin, Quentin Cosaque, Alex Valter
Security Mouloud Amini.

Cremerie de Paris N°9 in 3D

3D Visit Pop Up Extreme

see in a seperate window ...

code to integrate the 3D in your website :
<iframe src=''
height='315' width='560' allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cremerie de Paris N°9 empty
see in a seperate window

Videos made at Cremerie de Paris

1:17 min La Laverie Extreme by l Uzyne Brand Activation Agency (2024)

3:18 min Un bar à glaces achée dans une Laverie à Paris (2024)

Acces to the Nestle Froneri Extrême Pop Up
Chatelet-les, sortie N°1
En Metro / RER
Metro 1,4,7,11,14 - RER A,B,D
use the new exit / sortie N°1 Porte Marguerite de Navarre
of the subway
The Extrême Nestle Froneri Pop Up Store
is located behind the Subway Exit
at Cremerie de Paris N°9
All other Cremeries de Paris have signs to direct you

- RER B direct connection
with Roissy CDG (30 min - only take a much faster non stop direct train)
Orly (30 min RER B + Orlyval) and Gare du Nord (4 min).
- Metro 4 direct connection
with Gare de l'Est (15 min) and Gare Montparnasse (19 min)
- Metro 14 direct connection
with Gare de Lyon (8 min) and Gare Saint Lazare (9 min).
- Metro 1 direct connection
with Champs Elysées (15 min)

Sortie N°1 Châtelet les Halles N°1 faces our different Cremeries de Paris,
N°1, N°2, N°6, N°9, N°18 Pop Up Stores
and N°3, N°4, N°7, N°8, N°10 Pop Up Cafes.

Did you know that Marguerite de Navarre
who left her name to the subway exit
has already come by,
as she was a friend of the Villeroy family
that lived at VB / Cremerie de Paris,
but this was a long long time ago...
Marguerite is considered to be the grandmother of the Bourbons,
the letter "B" of

By Bus (11,24,67,69,72,74,76,81,86) arrèt rue de Rivoli / Pont Neuf

By Voiture, parking Pont Neuf facing Samaritaine

By Scooter
avoid parking in a zone for bikes !

By plane
If you fly to Paris to see the Extrême Ice Cream Pop Up,
arriving is ultra easy
Fly to Paris, take RER B, only 30 min from CDG or Orly Airport
to get to the doorsteps of a Cremerie de Paris

Nestle Froneri Pop Up on Instagram

Post on @cremeriedeparisofficial

The Extême brand:
glaces Exreme
Extrême Icre cream was invented in 1989

The Nestle and the Extreme history and timeline
will soon be on

Cremerie de Paris
a magical "food hotspot"
since 1370

VB ... the Villeroy
and the Bourbons

The Cremeries de Paris
are all around
place Marguerite de Navarre,
sortie 1 / exit 1 of the métro hub Chatelet les Halles,
on a stream of passers on their way
to Samaritaine, Louvre
and Bourse du Commerce.

portail de la Cremerie de Paris et de l'Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
The history of VB and of Cremerie de Paris
goes back to the year 1129.

The family Neufville, later Neufville de Villeroy
or simply de Villeroy
were food merchands from Dieppe / Rouen
that sold their products on the Paris Les Halles food market.
1370 the family settles at an old building
on rue des Bourdonnais.
more about the food market

Over time the Villeroys,
occupants of the VB mansion
and merchands at the les Halles market
became advisors of the Bourbons,
the Kings of France.

portail de la Cremerie de Paris et de l'Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
Nicolas IV de Villeroy (1542 - 1617)
inherits the mansion from his father Nicolas III de Villeroy.

1589 Nicolas IV de Villeroy becomes a minister
of the first Bourbon King, Henri IV (1553 - 1610)

1646 grandson Nicolas V de Villeroy (1598 - 1685)
becomes the tutor of the 3rd Bourbon King
the child Louis XIV (1638 - 1715).

When the Sun King became an adult
and build the Château de Versailles
he invited his childhood friends
François and Catherine de Villeroy
to live there with him.

1671 January 21
the Hôtel de Villeroy Bourbon (VB),
in the family since 300 years
was sold

A story that left
and a new story that arrived
in the field of technology:

The Royal French Postal services
operated by the postal family Pagot & Rouillé
connected to the postal family Thurn & Taxis
ancester of the Phone Book of the World.

Historic links between Henri Nestle
and Cremerie de Paris

Cremerie de Paris has a fascinating history.
Since 1129 a multitude of iconic people have been there ...

Over time secrets resurface from the past.
In recent months we discovered more about
links between Cremerie de Paris
and Leonardo da Vinci,
Alexander Graham Bell,
Vincent van Gogh
and the King Louis II of Bavaria.

Most we knew about Nestle
came from a lovely aunt from Switzerland
Stephany von Fuerstenberg
is an artist.
She spreads joy and creativity like a ventilator.

Stephany designs postcards
Swiss Post Offices sell for Xmas.
When driving through Zurich
she always invited us for an ice cream
and while still beeing teanagers
she advised us to make some savings
and to invest them in Nestle shares.

Preparing the Froneri Nestle Pop Up Store
we read a fasinating biography
of the company founder Henri Nestle ...
Suddenly we discover
that there is a strong link
between Henri Nestle
and Cremerie de Paris ...

Henri Nestle
1814 Henri Nestle (1814 - 1890) was born in Frankfurt
under the name of Heinrich Nestle
He was one of 14 children,
but many had died very young,
someting that deeply affecterd the young Nestle.

1833 Nestle learned the profession of a pharmacist
and settled in Vevey, in the French part of Switzerland.
He adjusted his name from Heinrich to Henri.
He always had the desire to discover something
to improve nutrition for young children.
At that time many children died in their first years.

1843 With the help of a generous aunt
Anna Dorothea Nestle-Andreae (1778 - 1845)
Henri Nestle was able to start a business.
For a long time his projects only knew modest successes.

Farine Lacte Nestle
1861 Henri Nestle invented "farine lactée Nestle"
The baby food combined milk with wheat flour
from which acid and starch had been removed.

1866 Establisment of the Nestle company in Vevey.

premier logo Nestle
1868 Registration of the Nestle brand and the Nestle logo,
a bird feeding it's babies.

1872 Henri Nestle milk flour receives a gold medal
at the Paris Universal Exhibition.

1875 Henri Nestle and his wife Clementine Ehemant (1833 - 1900).
decide to sell the company
to a consortium headed by Jules Monnerat (1820 - 1898)
business connections, they beleive to have the potential
to continue their work.
Henri Nestle received one million Swiss Francs.

The couple retired in Montreux, near Vevey.

Halles Baltard
Henri Nestle frequently came to Paris.
He was fascinated by the beauty
of the newly constructed Pavillons Baltard,
home of the World's most famous food market.
The pavillons were the creation
of Empress Eugenie (1826 - 1920)
and her architect Victor Baltard (1805 - 1874)
New possibilities to make constructions
in steel and glass were at the origin.

Pavillon BaltardCremerie de Paris No9
Henri Nestle always went to see the Pavillons 10 et 12
dedicated to milk products,
the heart his activities.
The different Cremeries de Paris located
around rue des Halles
were just in front of these Pavillions Baltard.

logo of Cremerie de Paris including the Pavillons Baltard
Cremerie de Paris No1 is sourrounded
by legends and fairytales that fascinated people
since a long time.
Cremerie de Paris is like located in a mansion,
the Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon VB
connected to the Kings of France
in particular a child that had arrived at the house in 1646
Louis XIV (1638 - 1715)

Halle de Montreux
1889 before leaving this world
Henri Nestle decided he would like to leave
his city Montreux
a touch of glamour of the Halles de Paris.

Halle de Montreux construit sous le modè§le des Halles Baltard
From the 1.000.000 Swiss Francs sale of his company
Henri Nestle took 80.000 to offer his city
a Pavillon from Paris rue des Halles
located on the of Geneva.

As Victor Baltard was not there any more
the architect Henri Chaudet (1845 - 1931)
got the mission to build a new Pavillon.

1890 July 7 Henri Nestle died six month
before the opening of his Pavillon.

A story that left

Halles Baltard
1969 The famous food market leaves Paris
to go to Rungis Rungis.

1973 The magnificient Halles de Baltard Pavillions
are destroyed.
The permission is given by Marcel Diebold (1912 - 2002)
a prefect later known for massive corruption
opening doors to realestate promoters.

Le Pavillon Nestle in Montreux survives,
just like the Cremeries de Paris
closed for a long time
after the departure of the food market.

A story that returned
A story that left
and a story that returned

1987 Reopening of the smallest Cremeries de Paris
not as a milk store
but as a place in the World of Telecommunications,
a Sony phone Boutique .
Someone form the old Thurn & Taxis postal family
causes the return.

1989 Création of the Extrême Ice Cream Brand

old Coco Chanel
1993 a little jewel left by the fashion designer
Coco Chanel
and the Sony Phones
make it possible to get a bank loan
to reopen Cremerie de Paris No1
closed after the departure of the food market.
1995 Cremerie de Paris No1
becomes the first place in France for public internet access.
The only visitors are américains
travelling through France
where Hotels are not yet connnected.
Thanks to the avant-garde internet lines
Cremerie de Paris got to meet
some tech pioneers you don't meet every day.
One of them was on the first flight to the moon,
another was the inventor
of the dot com internet domains.

Just like Henri Nestle
Jon Postel must have been fascinated by the magic
around Cremerie de Paris.
Meeting him made it possible to add some modern magic
a dot com for the centuries old VB
Today Cremerie de Paris is the only company
in the French capital to have a Two Letter domain
one of the web's shortest web adresses
usually based in the US or in China.

2011 Times of Cybercafés is limited,
Cremerie de Paris turns into
a Pop Up Store location.
The beginning is not easy but soon and the magic of a 900 years old history
turn Cremerie de Paris
into a Meeting Place of the World's most famous Brands
The very first one to arrive is Nike
Someone met during the times of the Internetcafe
that was on the first flight to the moon
helped to get the contract.

2016 Nestle and R&R Ice Cream merge
to create Froneri.

2019 Cremerie de Paris No9
home of the Froneri Nestle Extrême Pop Up is added.

2019 LThe agency Uzyne contacts Cremerie de Paris
to organise Pop Up Stores,
but too much construction works around
Marguerite de Navarre
don't help the project to get through.

2023 Dec Laura Fantoni
Isabelle Gadonna and Marine Dubreuil
return to visit and the projects is validated.

2024 Mars 21 - 23 opening of a unique
Froneri Nestle Extrême Pop Up Store.

Chatelet-les, sortie N°1<
Henri Nestle would be fascinated
to see the exceptional journey of his brand.
He might also be enchanted
to see Nestle returning to Cremerie de Paris,
a historic Nestle location
he loved so much.

Too bad we cannot talk to him
because Hanri Nestle and his wife Clementine
would have many forgotten stories to tell us
about our Cremerie de Paris.

Press Articles:

Nestle Extreme
for the time of the Pop Up ...
Froneri Nestle Extrême on the homepage of Phone Book of the World /

Pop Up de Glaces envahit Paris by Le Parisien
Pop Up de Glaces by Sortir à Paris

Une Laverie Parisienne va acceuillir un bar a glaces by Arts in the City
Premier bar a glaces by Paris Friendly
Extreme ouvre un bar a glaces ephemere dans une laverie by Demotivateur

Bar glaces Pop Up by Le Bonbon

Extreme Ice Cream sur Linkedin

Global Post Expo Impact:

Cremerie de Paris is
a historic location
with a very long history.
Almost 900 year
since 1129
connected to many
Kings of France
inventors, tech pioneers, designers and products

Nestle Extreme
The Pop Up
will continue to be seen
around the globe via our
Phone Book of the World

Phone Book of the

Phone Book of
The Nestle Froneri Pop Up is
on the homepage of Phone Book of Switzerland

Cremeries de Paris

Autour du carré, rue des Halles, rue des Déchargeurs, rue de la Ferronnerie, rue St Honoré
= place Marguerite de Navarre
sortie N°1 du Métro Châtelet les Halles
entre Louvre et Marais, entre Canopée et Samaritaine

Meeting Place of the World's of famous Brands.

Rayonnement International


Telephone: +33 (0) 1 42 21 11 11
Website: Cremerie de

Cremerie de Paris
11 rue des Halles,
11 rue des Déchargeurs,
12 rue de la Ferronnerie,
45 rue St Honoré
75001 Paris
France Métro Châtelet les

Nouveau quartier :
Samaritaine - Châtelet les Halles